Managed Multi-Carrier Connection Service

Managed Multi-Carrier Cellular Services to help customers manage "secure and cost-effective" cellular connectivity at global scale and solve Operator-relationship problems

Managed Multi-Carrier Cellular Management includes:

Use of a single managed service provider that identifies zero use devices that can be suspended or cancelled;

Fraud detection and Traffic monitoring

Manage multiple carrier relationships driving down costs on devices and carrier-plans

Secure Connection for traffic-steering directly from Carrier to Enterprise

Continuous price competition for carrier plans

Streamlines device on-boarding, provisioning, invoicing, billing, payment, ordering and reporting

Includes a customized customer portal which tracks wireless activity and usage metrics; and

Expand Geographic scale with multi-carrier support to reduce roaming cost

Enterprise Carrier Relationship and Strategy

is a digitization pain-point for customers causing customer returns and revenue loss for companies. Proper functioning of cellular connection is critical for success of digital service. Enterprise Cellular connectivity issues are as follows:

Device on-boarding and subscription life-cycle Management issues

Device-activation issues (and associated customer returns)

Enterprise Security for traffic going across Carrier-Network

Optimize roaming cost and Multi-Carrier Support to drive down cost

Fraud, Misuse of cellular connection, High unexplained subscriber traffic

White papers

How 5G is going to revolutionize Business? White-papers and Technical Articles offers deep insight into deal with many challenges that Enterprise face as the add Mobile and 5G as part of Business products and services.

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